We are proud to participate in DE-SIDERIO – the new project by Studiopepe.
A virtual constellation featuring the Lunar Addiction rug designed by Chiara di Pinto and Arianna Lelli Mami, the founders of Studiopepe.



Studiopepe: “Each Manifesto is unique, but they all share our vision of design and represent a collection of projects and suggestions we’ve completed during the year – a summary occurred in the design of a place and an experience asking ourselves questions on themes such as the use of public or domestic spaces and our ever chancing relationship with objects.” In these challenging times, questions are necessary and of a different kind. The sociality and the use of collective spaces have radically changed. For this reason, this year Studiopepe focused the attention on a concept related to a more mental dimension, “DESIDERIO” (‘Desire’ in English).



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