Faye Toogood and cc-tapis have created a bespoke collection of six handmade rugs entitled ‘Doodles’. Their overarching aesthetic is painterly, abstract and freethinking as they respond to Toogood’s preoccupation through her work to ‘tinker’ and intuitively explore new styles without boundaries.


‘Doodles’ is Toogood ‘trying to reach a state where it’s as pure as you can make it in terms of creative language… to reach that stage where whatever’s inside is coming out without a filter.’

Faye Toogood interviewed by Laura May Todd, wallpaper.com, 9th October 2019
view interview >>


Faye Toogood gave cc-tapis access to her intimate artworks, which she created and painted by hand. The collection took over 12 months to develop and Daniele Lora, cc-tapis art-director and partner, says “our intention was not to create photocopies of the original artworks but rather we wanted to try capture the materiality and richness of each piece, we wanted to translate Faye’s expression created through the delicate use of color and shading. The artworks perfectly embody the brand’s philosophy of creating handmade artefacts.”

The opening event was inaugurated with a food installation by Arabeschi di latte.

View the full collection here



Installation design by: cc-tapis design lab

Featuring furniture pieces by:

Driade: Roly Poly chair designed by Faye Toogood

Living Divani: Bubble Rock sofa by Piero Lissoni

Poliform: Sydney tables by Jean-Marie Massaud

Henry Timi: Cerchia chair

Food Design: Arabeschi di Latte

Location and portrait photos Omar Sartor

Catering photos Juliano Araujo

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